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Valid for Sitecore 6.5 Update 5 and later
Release Notes

The latest release information about Sitecore Azure.

1.  Release History (Sitecore Azure)

Some of the issues described on this page contain internal reference numbers. You can use these reference numbers when communicating with Sitecore about a particular issue or feature.

July 31, 2012

Sitecore Azure 2.0.0 rev.120731 is released.

Tested with CMS 6.5.0 rev. 120706 (Update 5).

Change log.

New Features

Important changes

Issues resolved

Terminology changes

2.  Known Issues

The list of known issues which are present in the current version of Sitecore Azure:

3.  Configuration File Changes

This section describes the changes to the web.config file and other configuration files between Sitecore Azure releases.